External Audit, whether required to fulfill statutory requirements, or whether to determine value, is extremely important in business.
We are committed to providing a constructive audit that fueled the financial information with trust required by the capital markets system. We as Independent auditors play a trusted role between the providers of business information and the users of that information.
We committed to use new processes and technologies to analyze more data, point out areas of discrepancies and execute better audit that is relevant and provides valuable insights rather than just focusing on historical information.
We use our knowledge of each client and its industry, our expertise and the appropriate audit techniques, to match them all to clients’ needs.
Our approach is risk-based audit approach. It involves obtaining a thorough understanding of the business, assessing the risk of material misstatements and the controls imposed to address these risks, and obtaining evidence of the significant financial statement assertions by applying appropriate procedures.
Our audit works include the following:
• We provide independent review of externally reported financial information.
• We advise on the weaknesses of controls and processes.
• We ensure compliance with regulations and regulatory requirements.
• We advise on application of new IFRS and accounting treatments of complex transactions.
• We providing post-audit feedback and recommendations.
We using a cloud-based audit platform to facilitate more transparent interactions with our engagement team and clients.